meeting halfway (2022)

Lucy Bergman and Joanna Byrne, 5 mins, 16mm film: digitised

A collaborative double channel 16mm film by Joanna Byrne and Lucy Bergman, shot on location at the geographical halfway point between the two small towns where they were born (Bergman in Burnley, Lancs, and Byrne in Maidstone, Kent). The universe, via Google maps, designated this halfway point to be Warwick, a Medieval market town in the West Midlands.

The double screen film, shot on grainy black and white celluloid, plays with ideas about being in the middle, and dabbling there for a while. In-between here and there, young and old, male and female, gay and straight, intellectual and daft, neither one nor t’other... Exchanging skills and ideas, interrupting one another, and finishing each other's sentences, Bergman and Byrne have created an intimate expanded cinema experience that hopes to meet the audience halfway, through flickering beams, whirr and hum, two reels turning in the dark.



SeaChange Film Festival, Isle of Tiree (Scotland).

Braziers International Film Festival, Braziers Park, Oxfordshire (UK)

Flatpack Festival, Birmingham (UK)

meeting halfway on vimeo

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